The execution phase guides you through the main strategy elements in a very structured way, so that afterwards you have your current implementation plan and the execution of your strategy tested. You have also had your strategy evaluated.
This will test whether your implementation and execution is strong enough to ensure a high level of ownership and, not least, a long-term sustainable execution power.

You will get answers to the following questions:
Which elements we haven't thought of yet.
Which elements we have a good grasp of.
Which elements are less well managed.
Which elements could we usefully do more about.
To what extent does the strategy group believe that the strategy gives motivation and meaning to the organisation?
To what extent does the strategy group believe that the organisation has the necessary competences to implement the strategy.
Recharging and much much more...
We focus on communication, implementation, execution and not least the human part, which is crucial for the necessary behavioural change
5 simple steps and you have your StrategyTest